Tuesday 26 June 2012

Saturn Direct - Carpe Diem

Saturn in Libra Gets A Work Out (Carpe Diem - seize the day - make use of it now)
Have you felt, since February this year as if you have been sitting on the sidelines, watching the game being played 'out there' somewhere, and hoping that sometime soon you are going to get picked.That cool captain of the team, any minute now, is going to turn round, look you right in the eye and beckon you yes YOU?

Well now is your time, the finger of fate is beckoning right at you. Have you got your kit washed and packed? Have you been doing your homework, got the games tactics sorted out and learnt some team strategies? Have you done your training exercises? Have you gone over and over again what exactly it is that you are responsible for in the team? Do you know what you are supposed to do and have you warmed up your muscles? In other words - are you ready for the whistle, the starters orders - are you ready to be called?
Saturn is currently in Libra and will probably call those with strong Libra in there charts first, then the other cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn so better get ready. Mind you these signs have already been called to duty due to the current celestial display between the heavy weights of Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries. Both Cardinal sign teams of Earth and Fire. 

What does Saturn blowing the whistle for the game commencement mean exactly? Are we dealing with social justice issues, barriers to personal goals and commitments or just injustice per se and standing up for fairness? Who are your opponents and where is your support? What else do you need to get things going - get things moving along now? One answer could be to deal with the framework, is it strong and flexible and able to withstand the potential bumps and pitfalls of the road ahead. Saturn needs the hard lessons to be learnt - get those wheels on and learn to balance - stay on the right path - no more back peddling Saturn is now moving directly towards Scorpio in October 2012.
Well for one thing when your time comes, and it will, you will be drilled and questioned by Saturn as to your worthiness. You will be called to account. Are you able to do your duty, have you done your homework? For instance lets suppose you have a strong quotient of Libra in your chart, or Libra rules your 7th house, the nagging questions could zero in on your relationships, in particular your key relationship or significant other, your business partner or spouse. Is there a power imbalance that needs you to bring out those scales of justice. Getting your relationship into shape will be paramount.
During the retrograde time just gone, issues may have cropped up causing you to seriously examine your commitment to a path taken and choices made by us or for us by others. There may well have already been quite a bit of scrutiny, testing and close examination. Saturn loves to weigh up and to set limits. Now with Saturn's change in direction, forward momentum, your partnerships and your place within them are kicked into action, its all going to surge forward now. Ready?
Those of us with a less heavy dose of Libra in our charts will also be asked to step up our work rate. Finding ourselves running on the treadmill with the speed suddenly on full throttle. Saturn is supposed to be doing some of its best work here - it is after exalted in the sign of Libra, so commit to putting in the effort and step up to the problem areas.
In all probability the House or Zone ruled by Libra, in your chart, will be the one on the
exercise cycle, getting a real work-out and fully committed to the task. Get somewhere.
If you know where your Libra house is, pick up your pace in that area, scoop up all those learning aids you have relied on for the past 4 months and apply them to the things you have had in the pipeline ready to be actioned. You have until October 2012 to come to a better understanding of your own Libra house nature and needs. Saturn likes discipline and commitment, no real freewheeling now so get a move on, tic tock don't stop, accept the limitations and get there. 

Some words-for-Saturn: Fate, Task Master, Duty, Responsibility, Time, Deadlines, Structure, Hard Work...
Some words-for-Libra: Balance, Harmony, Togetherness, Fairness, Justice, Aesthetics...

posted by pippa ponton & jphibbs

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