Wednesday 27 June 2012

Mercury in Leo: Postcards From a Passionate Mind

Mercury Moves To Leo Country 
Frida Kahlo Mercury in Leo
Mercury has just moved country, from the ultra sensitive, emotional waters of Cancer country into the heat and drama of the hot Savannah or other exotic, fiery Leo terrains. It will take up residence there rather longer than usual on it’s summer holidays and won’t leave until end of August 2012 due to Mercury going Retrograde for a bit...going back for a bit more of a good thing then.
Whenever Mercury changes sign, we need to learn a whole new language and adapt to completely different customs to what we have become accustomed. This affects the way we process and deal with information. In other words: how we talk, think, chat, twitter, blog, text, write, read, listen and learn.
It is possible that whilst Mercury was in intuitive Cancer many of us noticed we had to switch our tuning to ‘inside our heads’ mode, we had to speak and think more imaginatively, more fluidly. We had to learn things by taking in information then take a bit of time to let that information ‘do its own thing’ and gestate before it emerged to be communicated to others. Journeys and communications could have appeared deep, complex and may well have involved family or home/land. Mercury’s fleet of foot could have found it hard treading so much water. Mercury, adaptable its middle name will adjust, however, just as we have got halfway used to this style of speaking and thinking we will suddenly find ourselves in what appears to be a foreign country where everyone asks us to speak more boldly. Welcome to Mercury in Leo the Lion, as he patrols the savannah, stretches and luxuriates in the space and heat, especially after being in cool water for the past few weeks.
In other words whilst Mercury is in Leo you really need to increase the flair and drama about what and how you want to communicate. You need to push the levels of colour, saturate the palette of your self-expression with passion. Go on – get your message noticed. 
You will notice the difference... you will notice the change from Mercury in Cancer to Mercury in Leo as you know the difference between water and fire and night and day. 
You and others around you, remember we are all feeling it, we will seem bolder and more self assured. Everything will seem a lot more dramatic and flamboyant on many levels. Mark your calendar, set the date and know, ahead of time, that for the next couple of months you and every single person on this precious planet of ours will be mentally, processing in colourful, mythical and theatrical ways and, oh did I mention, we can also be a teeny weeny bit more self-obsessed! 
Don’t say Astrology Wheel didn’t tell you that your son, tweet buddies, wife, teacher, boss, next door neighbour, head of state, the person sitting next to you on the bus and of course, you… will be a little more impatient, headstrong, intolerant and will not suffer 'fools' gladly. We will all be more self confident in what we have to say, we will be more convinced and convicted, and this could lead to straight ahead clashes as no one will want to be the one to back down. 
With this Mercury – our communictions are about to get more heated - for good or bad.
We will all feel this change, this mental shift but you may ask, how does it affect me specifically? Well, the sign of Leo sits somewhere in your birth chart, even if you do not have any planets in this sign. You always have Leo county somewhere in your psyche. It is this Leo zone which is having Mercury as a house guest. This is where you will have to be more accommodating, shake out the duvet and put out a vase of fresh flowers. 
Welcome your mercurial visitor and make 'him' feel at home.
Make the most of your confidence and act on the creative urges now clamoring to have outward expression. Your communication’s have the potential now to have quite a larger than life quality and will undoubtedly make an impression - and making an impression will be really important at this time. Connect with that part of you which so deeply wants expression.
Go on... let it show itself and be generous with those other souls who have the courage along with you to answer this curtain call.
If you know where your 'Leo country' is then slow down and put your full attention to it. Take time regarding the issues affected in that part of your chart. For instance, Leo may be in your 7th house of 'Partnerships' in which case Mercury here will probably prompt you to think about who is the ‘boss’ in your relationship. Or who shows their love more and how you can both get more creative in your lives.
Or is your Leo zone the 10th house of 'Reputation and Career', if it is, then now is a good time to buff up your CV and connect to those contacts and people of influence in your line of work. Time to shine, get noticed, get some accolades and a bit of praise maybe....and that's just the morning - now what about the rest of the week!
Time turns the wheel, and Mercury will move into Virgo country soon enough, which is whole  new field to sow and then harvest. A fresh postcard then.....
Take this Leo time while you have it. Luxuriate in it and enjoy all the riches and gifts coming your way. Equally relish the beautiful rush of giving generously to others and receiving graciously as well.
Maybe we will all listen and communicate beautifully in Mercury in Leo.
As for me - Leo is in my 1st zone of 'Yes it’s me' – so I’m off to the hairdressers ready for my big moment… “won’t be long Mr De Mille” or will I...guess I might be, now be nice..
Good luck learning the new language for those of you unfamiliar with it...exciting.
Today the 27th June 2012, Mercury in Leo joins forces with Sun in Cancer and Venus in Gemini just as they did on the 6th July 1907, the day Mexican artist Frida Kahlo was born.

posted by pippa ponton & jphibbs

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